The Internet of Things (IoT) market is a target rich environment for those looking for product development opportunities. At ASIC North, we understand what it takes to address the critical issues which challenge such products. Let us help you to develop that killer next generation product operating at the edge of the internet.
We all recognize that sensors provide the transition point for signals between the real (analog) world and the digital world of the internet. They convert vibrations, temperature, voltages, currents, acceleration, geographical position, and many more things into a digital representation that can be easily communicated to the microcontroller core. Sensor equipped devices operating at the boundaries of the connected and unconnected world must overcome a variety of challenges to operate in this space. Typical examples are:
- Ultra long battery life
- Autonomous operation
- The ability to perform its task despite variable environmental changes (i.e. temperature, humidity, supply voltage)
- Various physical stresses
- Some form of a radio communications interface ((i.e. WiFi, Bluetooth, LoRa, NBIoT, etc)